
Riot Games Team Website Redesign

League of Legends
Publishing Team
Website Redesign


Project Name

Channel Ops Confluence Website Redesign

Background & Project Overview

Channel Ops (formerly known as Trafficking) is a League of Legends Publishing team at Riot Games. The team is responsible for creating and publishing League of Legends promotional content. The team houses all of its information, policies, guidelines, and tools on Confluence; these pages haven’t been updated since 2013.

Project Goals

  1. Site map and unravel the information architecture and navigation schema

  2. Create personas to empathize with our target user’s needs

  3. Create low to high fidelity wireframes for the redesign

  4. Receive feedback and implement design changes


Sketch, Graph Paper, Whiteboard, Confluence, Brackets (HTML & CSS)





The Design Process

Heuristic Evaluation

When I evaluated the old site, I discovered that 4 heuristic principles were violated.

  1. Consistency and Standards
    • There were many inconsistencies when it came to terminologies and actions
  2. Recognition rather than recall
    • Too much information that burdens the user and instructions they could not easily retain
  3. Aesthetic and minimalist design
    • Certain sections compete with other units of information and diminish their relative visibility
  4. Help and Documentation
    • Specific pieces of information were hard to search and were not focused on the user's task

Information Architecture

By mapping out the old navigation schema, I found a lot of broken links, expired info, and inconsistencies. By focusing on the target user's needs, I was able to figure out a new navigation bar that reduced the options from 4 down to 2 (Product Owners & Local Web Content).


My main focus in wireframing was to improve the site's information layout. Once I received feedback from my team about the new navigation schema, I implemented it into the final version.